Privacy Policy

AuroChitr is powered by In Search of The Mother which is a platform to present works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother through the latest technology. In Search of The Mother (ISTM) strives to protect the private information of users of its services and maintains this objective as its prime priority.

This Privacy Policy applies to AuroChitr which is an online image platform to share and cherish the beautiful images on Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

AuroChitr does not collect any personal / demographic information unique to the user. The information entered, which include those entered by the user as well as those collected from the user’s utilisation of the App, is maintained anonymously and does not comprise of any personally identifiable information.

The information acquired include email address and full name from website. The collected information is used only for customising the App to enhance the user’s experience by offering tailored content, for providing, maintaining the quality of the App, to develop updated / newer versions and to provide general statistics regarding the usage of the App.

The information thus acquired, are not stored on any active/ backup server nor disclosed to/shared with any third party including companies, organisations or individuals outside of In Search of The Mother.